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Excursion to the San Pietro refuge from Lake Tenno

Those who want to reach the San Pietro Refuge starting from Canale di Tenno, one of the most beautiful medieval villages in Italy, after entering the woods, will go up the slopes of Calino to the Bastiani area. From here, in a few minutes, you can reach the San Pietro refuge, located on a natural terrace which offers a spectacular view of Alto Garda.

Starting from the downstream path

A 10-minute quiet walk is enough to reach Rifugio San Pietro: a very simple excursion, also suitable for children and the elderly, enjoyable in all seasons of the year.


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San Pietro

sat trentino

Rifugio S. Pietro

codice Cin IT022191B8KGDNLPLU

è gestito da Mudita s.r.l.s

Via C. Battisti 150 - 38077 Comano Terme (TN)
P.Iva 02648610224 - REA TN-239846

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Località Calino

Tenno - TN
tel +39 0464 791003
cell +39 380 7464437

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