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We value every drop.
The water of the Refuge for a sustainable future

Fresh water

In our refuge, water is a symbol of life, sustainability and saving of the planet's resources.

Coming directly from a mountain spring, this pure water travels through the aqueduct to Rifugio San Pietro and keeps its mountain freshness intact. We serve it in blue glass bottles as recommended by some holistic theories and to eliminate the use of plastic materials.

Even the carbonated water we produce becomes a gesture of respect for the environment: we carbonate it on site to reduce waste and the ecological footprint of transport. By doing so, we contribute every day to the protection of our ecosystem.


Not just water:
360 degree sustainability

The San Pietro Refuge is a virtuous example of how hospitality can go hand in hand with the sustainability objectives of the 2030 Agenda. With concrete and daily actions, we have adopted practices that respect the environment and promote sustainable development.

The water served to our guests comes directly from a mountain source. Day after day we thus eliminate the need for carbonated mineral water and reduce the environmental impact linked to transport.

The solar panels installed on the roof of the San Pietro Refuge provide hot water during the summer months, while the biomass heating with a soapstone stove guarantees eco-friendly heat during the colder months. Electricity for lighting and household appliances is generated from hydroelectric sources. This choice underlines our commitment to renewable energy.

Our cuisine celebrates the flavors of the territory , with a menu that favors local 0 km products : fresh pasta, cheeses, artisanal cured meats. They are all products selected to guarantee quality and freshness and, at the same time, to support the local economy.

The San Pietro Refuge is not just a resting place, but a meeting point between nature and culture. We are proud to be part of the Judicaria Ecomuseum , a project that enhances the historical and naturalistic heritage from the Dolomites to Garda . Our position within the UNESCO Biosphere Alpi Ledrensi and Judicaria , recognized in 2015 as a Biosphere Reserve, testifies to our commitment to the conservation of biodiversity and the promotion of responsible tourism. With every choice we make, we are committed to being custodians of this priceless heritage to be handed over to future generations.

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San Pietro

sat trentino

Rifugio S. Pietro

codice Cin IT022191B8KGDNLPLU

è gestito da Mudita s.r.l.s

Via C. Battisti 150 - 38077 Comano Terme (TN)
P.Iva 02648610224 - REA TN-239846

PEC: - Privacy


Località Calino

Tenno - TN
tel +39 0464 791003
cell +39 380 7464437

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